Java: All Basics + Interview
Preparation Intensive

Master Java and open doors to the world of IT - start your career with confidence!
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4,7 Course rating based on 5,500 reviews
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18,000 Graduates found employment
Why is Java so popular now?
Java is one of the most popular programming languages.

Java is used to develop code for the server part of applications, which processes logic and manages data storage.
Java developer has a steadily growing income
and is always in demand on the labor market
$360,000 per year $225,000 per year $110,000 per year
$9100 Per month is the average salary of a Java developer
>7460 Jobs on linkedin
>18 000 Of our graduates work in companies
18-55 Years old our students
Who can become a Java developer after the course?
Participation in large projects
Strive to work on large-scale projects and develop in a reliable company, whether in the office or remotely.
Mastering a new profession
Want to learn a new profession from scratch to be able to work from anywhere and travel
Passion for programming
Interested in programming and want to deepen your knowledge in backend development, creating complex products in Java
In 4 months you will master
the profession from scratch
On the course, you will organize your knowledge, master everything you need for work and confidently follow a proven plan.
Java Program Development
Java Syntax
Basic Constructions - Cycles and Conditions
Object-Oriented Programming
JUnit Testing
Collections Framework (detailed analysis)
Generics (generalizations)
Stream API
Input/Output Streams
Your Mentors
You'll learn from experts with years of industry experience who are well-versed in the necessary skills and tools for an aspiring developer.
Mikhail Bregel
Senior Java developer with 18 years of experience in the field. He worked for companies such as Accenture, Deloitte, I-Teco and Luxoft.
Konstantin Chashnikov
Senior Java developer at Cognizant.
Alex Iskanderov
Java Tech Lead "Massachusetts Institute of Technology", 7 years in development
Anna Furman
Senior Java Engineer at Dynatrace. In development since 2009, worked at Sberbank
Course program
Module 1. Introduction
  • Introduction
  • Installation of the development environment
  • First Hello Word program
Module 2. Java Syntax
  • Variables
  • Conditional operator
  • Data types. Integers
  • Data types. Primitive types
  • Cycles
  • Arrays
  • Closing spaces. String and Switch-case
Module 3. Object-oriented programming
  • Introduction to OOP
  • Introduction to methods
  • Parameterized methods
  • Constructors
  • Overloading methods and constructors
  • Objects as parameters and returning objects
  • Access modifiers
  • Static and final keywords and variable length arguments
  • Creating our own collection
  • Keyword import, type shells, and advanced string handling.
  • Built-in collections
  • Inheritance part 1.
  • Inheritance part 2.
  • Interfaces part 1.
  • Interfaces part 2. Anonymous classes.
Module 4. Java advanced level
  • Exception handling
  • String.format(), toString() and random numbers methods.
  • Multithreaded programming
  • Section results
Module 5. Java level 2
  • JUnit testing. Part 1
  • JUnit testing. Part 1. Code from the lesson + homework solution
  • JUnit testing. Part 2
  • JUnit testing. Part 2. Code from the lesson + homework solution
Module 6. Collections framework
  • ArrayList
  • An automobile accounting system. ArrayList. Code from the lesson
  • ArrayList. Part 2
  • Car accounting system. ArrayList part 2. Code from the lesson
  • LinkedList
  • Car accounting system. LinkedList. Code from the lesson
  • List collections interview
  • Memory Device in Java
  • Memory device in Java. Code from the lesson
  • Equals and hashcode
  • Equals and hashcode. Code from lesson
  • HashSet
  • HashSet. Code from lesson
  • Collection
  • Collection. Code from lesson
  • Iterable
  • Iterable. Code from lesson
  • Interview on passed collections
  • TreeSet
  • TreeSet. Code from the lesson
  • HashMap
  • HashMap. Code from lesson
  • HashMap interview
  • Questions on HashMap. Code from lesson
  • Map and Set the rest of the collection
  • Set and Map. Code from lesson
  • Queue
  • Queue. Code from lesson
  • Collections Framework interview
Module 7. Generics
  • Generics. Part 1. Introduction
  • Generics. Part 1. Code from the lesson
  • Generics. Part 2. Parameterizing collections
  • Generics. Part 2. Code from the lesson
  • Generics. Part 3. Super, Extends and WildCard
  • Generics. Part 3. Code from the lesson
  • Generics. Part 4. Parameterized methods
  • Generics. Part 4. Code from the lesson
  • Generics. Part 5. Interview and analysis of assignments
  • Generics. Part 5. Code from the lesson
Module 8. Multithreading
  • Multithreading Part 1. Introduction
  • Multithreading Part 1. Code from the lesson
  • Multithreading Part 2. Stopping threads. Join method
  • Multithreading Part 2. Code from the lesson
  • Multithreading Part 3. Demon threads and race condition
  • Multithreading Part 3. Code from the lesson
  • Multithreading Part 4. Method synchronization and monitors
  • Multithreading Part 4. Code from the lesson.
  • Multithreading Part 5. Atomic data types and volatile
  • Multithreading Part 5. Code from the lesson
  • Multithreading Part 6. Interview
  • Multithreading Part 7. CountDownLatch and ExecutorService
  • Multithreading Part 7. Code from the lesson
  • Multithreading Part 8. ThreadFactory, Callable interface and Future class
  • Multithreading Part 8. Code from the lesson
  • Multithreading Part 9. Blocking queue. Wait, notify and notifyAll
  • Multithreading Part 9. Code from the lesson
  • Multithreading Part 10. DeadLock or mutual locking
  • Multithreading Part 10. Code from the lesson
  • Multithreading Part 11. Thread-safe collections
  • Multithreading Part 11. Code from the lesson
  • Multithreading Part 12. Semaphore, CyclicBarrier. Race task
  • Multithreading Part 12. Code from the lesson
  • Multithreading Part 13. Interview
  • Multithreading Part 13. Add-ons
Module 9. Stream API
  • Stream API Part 1. Lambda Expressions and Functional Interfaces
  • Stream API Part 1. Code from the lesson
  • Stream API Part 2. Introduction to Streams. Filter, map and collect methods
  • Stream API Part 2. Code from the lesson
  • Stream API Part 3. Terminal and intermediate operators
  • Stream API Part 3. Code from the lesson
  • Stream API Part 4. Optional type, parallelStream method, ways to create streams
  • Stream API Part 4. Code from the lesson
  • Stream API Part 5. Interview
Module 10. Input/output streams
  • Input Output 1. Introduction to input/output streams. File class
  • Input Output 1. Code from the lesson
  • Input Output 2. Reading from a file, FileInputStream class and try with resources
  • Input Output 2. Code from the lesson
  • Input Output 3. StringBuilder, StringBuffer, reading to array and InputStreamReader
  • Input Output 3. StringBuilder, StringBuffer, reading to array and InputStreamReader
  • Input Output 3. Code from the lesson
  • Input Output 4. Reading and writing using buffer. Scanner class
  • Input Output 4. Code from the lesson
  • Input Output 5. Reader, Writer and RandomAccessFile classes
  • Input Output 5. Code from the lesson
  • Input Output 6. Serialization and deserialization
  • Input Output 6. Code from the lesson
  • Input Output 7. Interview
Module 11. Java Core
  • Java Core 1. How Java works
  • Java Core 2. The difference between interfaces and abstract classes
  • Java Core 3. Exceptions and finalize method
  • Java Core 4. Basic OOP paradigms
  • Finalize interview
Validation of your skills
At the end of the course, you will receive a standard certificate, which confirms your skills and will be an additional argument for the employer.
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We have prepared flexible tariff plans
Free Plan
3 introductory lectures unlimited access no feedback
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Base Rate
25 lectures Practice Chat support 9 months of access Without certificate
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Advanced Rate
72 lectures Practice Mentor support and feedback Access 12 months Certificate
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124 lectures Practice in a real project Tutor support Access to closed chat with vacancies Access for 24 months Certificate
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Corporate Rate
Groups of at least 5 people All lectures Adaptation of the course to the needs of the company Participation in a corporate project Tutor support Access for 12 months Add to group chat Certificate
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Reviews from our graduates
Alla Rabinovich
At the age of 43, I started learning Java by enrolling in the course “All Basics + Interview Preparation Intensive”. After 6 months, I unexpectedly passed the interview and got a junior position, even though I had never even dreamed of a programming career. Now I work in a bank on software, adapting it to the needs of our large platform.
Anton Chernov
At first I worked as a mobile application tester, but soon I started writing autotests and programming. I realized that creating code is much more interesting than testing it, so I found the course “All Basics + Interview Preparation Intensive”. I had a plan to stay in my company as a developer, but it didn't work out. Thanks to the skills I learned and my interview preparation, I got a job at an outsourced web development studio working with clients such as Gazprom-Media and TNT channel just 6 months after completing the course.
Max Pronin
I was working at a bank in security when a Java retraining program came up, which I successfully enrolled in and finished in 4.5 months. I studied diligently and now work for a browser game development company doing back-end development: working with the database, adding chips and integrating front and back. In my role as a junior developer I use Spring, Tomcat, PostgreSQL and Hibernate to maintain and refine the project.
Who can benefit from this course?
This program includes a basic course and is ideal for beginners looking to learn backend development and programming from scratch.
What if I can't get my homework done on time or feel overwhelmed?
If you are unable to meet your homework deadlines, we can offer homework extensions. In the event of a heavy workload, you can also suspend your studies - we provide this option.
What equipment do I need?
You will need either a laptop or desktop computer running macOS version 10.15 or higher, or Windows version 8 or higher. We will provide all necessary instructions for installing the software.

Minimum system requirements for your computer:

  • At least 2 GB of free RAM (8 GB recommended).
  • At least 2.5 GB of free disk space (SSD recommended).
  • Screen resolution of at least 1024x768 pixels.
In what areas can Java be used?
Java is one of the most popular programming languages, and it is used in many areas. Java can be used to create mobile applications for Android, desktop programs, games, web applications and solutions for the Internet of Things, as well as server applications. Java is used in a variety of industries such as finance, telecommunications, healthcare, and transportation. What is your policy on tuition refunds.